On Sunday "Fritzi - A revolutionary Tale" was awarded as BEST FEATURE FILM at the TIFF Junior in Tromso/ Norway. Thank you very much!!! We are so happy that the audience and jury in Tromso liked FRITZI! 🤩🥳www.tiffjunior.no/nyheter/her-er-arets-prisvinnere ... See MoreSee Less
3 years ago
If someone hasn´t watched "Fritzi - A revolutionary Tale" yet and missed it yesterday on television - it´s now available on the MDR - Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk Mediathek until Aug 19th 2021. www.ardmediathek.de/video/Y3JpZDovL21kci5kZS9iZWl0cmFnL2Ntcy83ZDliYzMwMi01MWVjLTQzOTktYTA4YS0yMjc...
Fritzi - Eine Wendewundergeschichte
DDR, 1989. Fritzis Freundin Sophie ist nach den Ferien nicht in die Schule zurückgekehrt. Doch wohin mit Sophies Hund? Als Fritzi ihr den Hund zurückgeben will, gerät sie in die Turbulenzen des politischen Herbstes 1989. ... See MoreSee Less
3 years ago
"Fritzi - A revolutionary Tale" has been chosen by the Preselection Committee for the European competition programme of the 15th KAFF Kecskemét Animation Film Festival!🥳🤩The official competition will be held from 11–15 August in Kecskemét (Hungary).
TrickStudio Lutterbeck GmbH MAUR film sro. Doghouse Films Artémis Productions #fritzithemovie ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago
"Fritzi - A revolutionary Tale" has been chosen by the Preselection Committee for the Europhean competition programm of the 15th KAFF Kecskemét Animation Film Festival. 🤩The official competition will be held from 11-15 August in Kecskemét (Hungary).
MAUR film sro. TrickStudio Lutterbeck GmbH Doghouse Films Artémis Productions Balance Film GmbH #fritzithemovie ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago
Wow!!! Portugal really likes FRITZI! The film just won the audience award of IndieJúnior Allianz. It already recieved the school award in April ´21. Thanks so much to our audience in Portugal and around the rest of the world for that wonderful support!!! 🤩🥳😍 fritzithemovie.com/ www.indiejunior.com/en/2021-audience-award/
Balance Film GmbH TrickStudio Lutterbeck GmbH MAUR film sro. Artémis Productions Doghouse Films ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago
We are very glad, that the journey of our FRITZI-film ist still taking on. During the school screenings in Portugal FRITZI won the school award of the IndieJúnior Allianz 2021 in March! Thank you very much!!!! FRITZI will be screened again during the IndieJunior Allianz – International Children’s and Youth Film Festival of Porto in May 2021. Excerpt from the jury statement:
"The childlike and emotional atmosphere created softens the coldest heart and even threatens to cause one or two tears to fall at the end of the film, when the main character's goal is finally achieved. For these reasons, together with a technical excellence in animation, drawing, editing, script and so on, we chose this film to be the winner of the IndieJunior festival."
#fritzthemovie #filmfestival #animationfilm #berlinwall" ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago
"Fritzi - A revolutionary Tale" has been nominated for the 57th Grimme Award in the category "Children & Youth"! Thank you very much! Now it's time to keep your fingers crossed! #grimme #fritzithemovie www.grimme-preis.de/57-grimme-preis-2021/nominierungen/n/d/fritzi-eine-wendewundergeschichte-tric... ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago
We are happy, that FRITZI is still shown at festivals worldwide. From 22nd to 24th of Januar you can watch "Fritzi - A revolutionary Tale" as part of the NIGHT OF IDEAS which normally takes place at the Cine Lumiére in London. Due to the pandemic the Institut Francais does 3 virtual screenings of our film. nightofideas.co.uk/before-the-night/ ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago
The end of the year was more than special for "Fritzi - A revolutionary Tale". After recieving awards in Korea, Mexico and Germany at the end of the year, on 30th of december we recieved the great news, that our film was nominated for the "Best European Feature Film for Children and Youth in 2020" by the ECFA - European Children's Film Association. We would say, FRITZI had a great run in 2020. In 2020 "Fritzi - A revolutionary Tale" received 11 national and international awards and was screened at over 30 festivals worldwide despite the pandemic. Hopefully the success will last in 2021. At the end of May 2021, the ECFA Award 2020 will be presented by the European Children's Film Association at the Zlin international film festival.WE WISH YOU A PEACEFUL AND SUCCESSFUL YEAR 2021!!! ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago
The last week was an unbelievable Fritzi-week!!! 🥳🥳🥳First the award for the best feature film in Mexico and then on Saturday the final highlight: The KINDERTIGER screenplay award for the authors Beate Völcker and Péter Palátsik. It´s the 3rd screenplay award for FRITZI and the highest endowed in Germany.
"The award is a bang for us! We are very happy for all of the team who have worked so many years on FRITZI - A REVOLUTIONARY TALE. Teamwork is especially important in an animated film. A lot of heart and love went into this film. The fact that our screenplay wins the only screenplay award that is only awarded by children, is a very special recognition", says the winning duo Beate Völcker and Péter Palátsik. Congratulations!
Photo: (c)KiKA ... See MoreSee Less
4 years ago